Roger Victory

Closing Dinner & Ceremony


Roger Victory was first elected to the Michigan Senate in 2018, after having served for six years in the House. He currently is the Republican caucus whip and serves on the Economic and Community Development, the Natural Resources and Agriculture, and the Transportation and Infrastructure committees. Victory is a fourth-generation Hudsonville area resident, where he owns Victory Farms LLC, a year-round specialty crop producer, as well as Victory Sales LLC, a national produce distributor. He previously co-owned a trucking company from 1996-2004. Victory is a former executive board member of the Michigan Vegetable Council and former president of the Ottawa County Farm Bureau. He is also active with the Ottawa County Republican Party and on the advisory board of the Ottawa County Careerline Tech Center. Victory graduated from Davenport University in 1989 with a degree in business management and from Michigan State University’s Great Lakes Leadership Academy. He served as the 2023 chair of the Midwestern Legislative Conference, and currently is the MLC’s immediate past chair.

Roger Victory | Republican Caucus Chair | Michigan Senate
6400 Binsfeld Building | P.O. Box 30036 | Lansing, Michigan 48909-7536
tel: 517.373.6920 | email Roger Victory