Elgie Sims, Jr.

Engaging Stakeholders in the Legislative Process


Elgie Sims, Jr. serves as state senator for the 17th Illinois Senate District, which includes portions of the South Side of Chicago, Chicago’s south suburbs, and Will and Kankakee counties. Sims believes deterrence from the criminal justice system requires investments in alternatives to incarceration, including education, stable health care, job readiness, an abundance of economic opportunities and good-paying jobs. This has led him to pass legislation to improve community and law enforcement relations, implement common-sense gun laws, give Illinois residents with criminal histories the opportunity to turn their lives around and obtain gainful employment, move Illinois away from the use of cash bail, and more. Sims currently serves as chair of the Appropriations Committee, chair of the Special Committee on Criminal Law and Public Safety, and on Senate President Don Harmon’s leadership team as the majority caucus appropriations leader. A 2014 BILLD graduate, Sims has previously served as chair of the Midwestern Legislative Conference and is the incoming national chair of The Council of State Governments.

Elgie Sims, Jr.  |  State Senator | Illinois
218 Capitol Building
Springfield, Illinois 62706
tel: 217.782.3201 | http://www.senatorelgiesims.com/