Adam Schrager

The Principled Politician: A Story of Courage

Legislative Strategies Roundtable: Lessons & Insights from Midwestern Leaders


Adam Schrager is the social impact storyteller at the American Family Insurance Institute for Corporate and Social Impact, where he features the stories of America’s extraordinary and visionary people working to close equity gaps. His career as a broadcast journalist at commercial stations in Denver and Wisconsin, as well as at Wisconsin Public Television, earned him nearly 30 Emmy Awards since the early 1990s. He’s written four books and his work has received positive reviews in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and on NPR. His first book, “The Principled Politician,” led to Colorado lawmakers naming the state’s new Justice Center and a state highway after its subject, former Gov. Ralph Carr. Schrager has taught reporting and storytelling at Marquette University, the University of Denver, and most recently, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He also conducts media training seminars for state lawmakers and nonprofits around the country. Schrager has an undergraduate degree in American history from the University of Michigan and a graduate degree in broadcast journalism from Northwestern University.

Adam Schrager  |  Social Impact Storyteller
American Family Insurance  |  Institute for Corporate and Social Impact
tel: 608-416-0672 | email Adam Schrager